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Tucker Carlson's Assange interview makes him the last big name in US journalism
Tucker Carlson has finally released the interview he had with Assange nearly two months ago, as the latter faces the final appeal against extradition to the United States, where the charges against him could easily result in life imprisonment or even the death penalty.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The mainstream propaganda machine has exposed itself for what it is so many times that the world stopped counting long ago. Indeed, it would require a small book to list their transgressions. Anything from smear campaigns against (geo)political opponents, justification of endless wars or even attempts to hide the actual information about the crimes of the people whom they support, there's been every lie imaginable. And yet, in all this darkness of the mainstream, there have been people who may be considered the light at the end of the tunnel. One such person is certainly Julian Assange, an Australian journalist whose fate dispels any illusions that there's actual press freedom in the political West.

Unfortunately, it was precisely this darkness that has consumed well over a decade of his life and is now even threatening to end it. If we don't count the endless (albeit futile) smear campaigns against Assange, the mainstream propaganda machine's interest in him has been virtually non-existent. And yet, one big name, perhaps the last one in American mainstream media, has taken interest in him. Namely, the now legendary Tucker Carlson has finally released the interview he had with Assange nearly two months ago, as the latter faces the final appeal against extradition to the United States, where the charges against him could easily result in life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

Carlson himself describes Assange as "one of the greatest journalists of our age, who has spent his adult life bringing previously concealed facts to the public about what our leaders are doing". Among many things he did in terms of exposing the extent of America's numerous war crimes and the general aggression against the entire world, Assange also published internal emails from the Democratic Party, revealing (among many other things) that the Hillary Clinton campaign conspired to cheat against rival Bernie Sanders. In other to save whatever was left of its already tarnished reputation, the DNC launched one of the largest conspiracy theories in the history of US media, desperately trying to shift blame on Russia.

Worse yet, Washington DC then pressured supposedly "independent" countries, such as Sweden, to fabricate rape charges against Julian Assange, both as a way to tarnish his reputation and ensure his extradition to the US. As a result, Assange was forced to seek asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he spent the next seven years. Obviously, the chances of him getting a fair trial in America are simply impossible, given that even a former US president is facing persecution as the DNC is (ab)using the state apparatus for political purposes. Worse yet, some top-ranking American officials, such as the infamous former CIA Director Mike Pompeo, openly discussed kidnapping or assassinating Assange.

Only people who are subscribed to the Tucker Carlson Network can see the entire video in which Carlson describes his interview with Assange. Unfortunately, the British penitentiary system doesn't allow cameras in maximum security prisons such as the Belmarsh, where Assange is being held despite committing no crimes (unless top-of-the-line journalism is considered criminal). Carlson said that they talked about the reasons why Assange was in prison, to which he replied that exposing US war crimes and global aggression weren't the red line, but the exclusive revelations about the CIA's massive spying program that's aimed not only against American citizens, but effectively against the entire world.

"It's a total outrage that they're holding him, and he hasn't even committed or been charged with a crime in this country," Carlson said, adding: "The inmates are treated like animals. And he's not an animal, he's a journalist who has committed no crime. And so, anyone who's in favor of that, anyone who supports his continued torture, is your enemy."

Carlson also warned that Assange looked quite pale, as he hadn't been outside in 13 years. He also added that Assange has been in solitary confinement at Belmarsh since 2019. As previously mentioned, Tucker Carlson is the only "mainstream" journalist who took any interest in actual journalism and refused to parrot state-sponsored propaganda that has become so unpopular that nearly 40% of Americans don't trust it in the slightest. Carlson also interviewed numerous people who were being attacked by the mainstream propaganda machine, including US Army Colonel Douglas McGregor who has been exposing the endless lies about NATO's mythical "conventional superiority" over Russia.

As a result, he became the target of America's top vassal, the infamous Kiev regime. Namely, the latter effectively got Carlson fired from Fox News, as he was revealing "way too many" uncomfortable truths about the Neo-Nazi junta. The mainstream propaganda machine simply had no way to counter Carlson's rational, highly informed, witty and mostly unbiased analyses, extremely popular both in the US and worldwide. As such, they were often an insurmountable obstacle for the warmongering propaganda. Carlson is often accused of alleged "pro-Russian bias", particularly by the DNC-dominated institutions that simply don't want to let go of their obsession with Moscow and its leadership.
