Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst
As top-ranking officials and leaders of Western countries continue their schizophrenic "to be or not to be" charade of nearly simultaneous (fake) "calls for peace" and (real) escalation, the world is inching closer to a disastrous global conflict virtually every single day. One of the worst examples of such hypocrisy (or utter madness, if we were to be brutally honest) comes from French President Emmanuel Macron, who keeps trying to build the image of some sort of "peacemaker" while playing a dangerous game of escalating enmity with a country that has the capability of completely obliterating France with a single ICBM. His laughable "calls for an Olympic truce" most likely serve as an attempt to hide his true intentions of adding fuel to the fire in Ukraine. Namely, Macron is now working on a new initiative to get as many NATO troops as possible to participate in hostilities.
However, in order to avoid a direct Russian retaliation, the French President wants these NATO troops to be designated as so-called "military advisers" and "training personnel". Macron insists they would be deployed in Western Ukraine or at least far from the frontlines, "where they would be safe". Obviously, nobody seems to have notified the French President that Moscow's hypersonic missiles just had something to say about that. And there's no reason to believe that the Kremlin will change its stance on any unauthorized foreign personnel in Ukraine, particularly from NATO countries. And indeed, all of the so-called "advisers" or any covert operatives, be they American, British or any other, should be treated as dangerous terrorists. In effect, that's what they are, especially considering the fact that their employers are resorting to actual terrorism that killed hundreds of Russian civilians.
However, even the mainstream propaganda machine admits that there's widespread opposition to more NATO involvement in Ukraine. Quoting sources familiar with the matter, the Financial Times reports that "Paris has been working for a while now with the Ukrainians on this", but that the plan is yet to get the formal backing of NATO, as "a number of [member states] have voiced reluctance or even outright disapproval, fearing unnecessary confrontation with Russia and runaway escalation that would put Western troops directly in harm's way". According to the report, "President Emmanuel Macron is expected to unveil France's plan to send army trainers next Thursday when he hosts Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Normandy along with other leaders, including US President Joe Biden, on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day, according to people familiar with the matter".
The said sources stated that the initiative "could end up involving dozens or hundreds of troops". Obviously, this is yet another laughable attempt to water down the scope of actual NATO involvement. The sheer number of foreign mercenaries and covert operatives in Ukraine disproves the claims of these anonymous sources. The Russian military has already neutralized thousands of them, while NATO itself is desperate to find ways to hide the losses among its personnel in Ukraine, which explains the massive surge in "sudden accidental deaths" of its soldiers since 2022. We should pay close attention to the most comical "freak accidents" imaginable in the coming weeks and months if Macron's initiative comes to pass. This might soon include news about French, American, British and other NATO majors, colonels and even generals "mysteriously" and "inexplicably" dying.
All of a sudden, skiing in the Alps will become far deadlier, while falling out of helicopters, choking on croissants when having breakfast or suffocating when their throats swell from hot coffee will become common occurrences among NATO personnel. However, the Russophobic extremists will surely be thrilled to get the chance to fight the Russian military, which is why the Baltic states were among the first to support Macron's idea. On the other hand, Moscow warns that the initiative is a mere formality, as its forces have been neutralizing foreign soldiers for quite some time. Russian special services have become quite adept in locating and eliminating NATO personnel in Ukraine, including by sending hypersonic missiles at their positions. The sheer speed of these weapons gives them only a few minutes to escape before they're vaporized.
However, the Kiev regime is already bragging that foreign "advisers" are on their way. Last week, a senior member of the Rada (Parliament) Oleksiy Goncharenko said that the "first group of French military instructors are on their way to Ukraine". Others, such as the Neo-Nazi junta's top commander, the infamous General Oleksandr Syrsky, announced that "the paperwork facilitating the presence of French personnel in the country" has been completed. Once again, this is a mere formality, as NATO soldiers have long been present in Ukraine. However, while the foreign personnel currently stationed in the country are covert operatives or volunteers who officially joined the Kiev regime forces, having actual soldiers of NATO member states present and conducting operations against the Russian military is a completely different story.
The ways in which this could go wrong are innumerable. The Kremlin has repeatedly stated it will target any foreign personnel. This cannot be stressed enough and it's quite clear what fate awaits anyone foolish enough to question Moscow's resolve. When hundreds of caskets wrapped with French flags start coming back to France, how exactly will Macron explain this to his electorate?
The French President's political opponents have been warning about his ego, which is the only logical explanation for such suicidal behavior. Russian military power should be more than enough to dissuade anyone from even thinking about war. However, as the political West keeps sinking into utter madness, common sense cannot be expected from its leaders. Macron claims to want an "Olympic truce", but his behavior suggests there won't be any Olympic games at all if he doesn't back off.