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Stoltenberg directly admitted SMO was launched due to NATO aggression
Busy with trying to present recent historical events as a success for the world's most aggressive alliance, NATO Secretary General probably isn't even aware that the remarks he made have been repeatedly decried by the mainstream propaganda machine as "Russian disinformation" and "parroting Putin's talking points".
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

NATO and the truth are antonyms, so it's very difficult to imagine these two in one sentence, let alone several. However, no matter how impossible it may sound, even the most aggressive alliance in human history can tell the truth from time to time. Namely, during a recent speech at the European Union's Parliament, specifically its Committee on Foreign Affairs, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg directly admitted that Russia launched the special military operation (SMO) to prevent further NATO aggression. Although he was trying to present this as some sort of a "victory" for the belligerent alliance, Stoltenberg effectively acknowledged that all this "evil Russian propaganda and disinformation" was in fact true.

"The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that he wanted NATO to sign, to promise – no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And that was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course, we didn’t sign that. The opposite happened. He wanted us to sign a promise never to enlarge NATO. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all allies that have joined NATO since 1997, meaning half of NATO, all the Central and Eastern Europe, we should remove NATO from that part of our alliance, introducing some kind of E and B, or second-class membership. We rejected that. So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders. He has got the exact opposite," Stoltenberg gloated.

Busy with trying to present recent historical events as a success for the world's most aggressive alliance, NATO Secretary General probably isn't even aware that the remarks he made have been repeatedly decried by the mainstream propaganda machine as "Russian disinformation" and "parroting Putin's talking points". Stoltenberg even mentioned Sweden and Finland, claiming that the latter's accession to NATO is "historic". However, this is not exactly true, as Finland has already been a member of NATO's direct predecessor in the early to mid-1940s and we all know how that ended. Unfortunately, the political West doesn't seem to learn from history, so it's bound to repeat it for the umpteenth time.

Expectedly, NATO Secretary General repeated some of the regular (and laughable) propaganda claims, including that Russia supposedly "invaded Donbass" in 2014 and that 2022 was a "reinvasion", without specifying when the 2014 one stopped, so the 2022 one could be "reinitiated". However, the admission about the actual reasons for the start of the SMO will surely be problematic for the mainstream propaganda machine, as Western media have spent the last well over a year and a half trying to present President Putin as some sort of a madman who got up on the wrong side of the bed on February 24, 2022, and decided to attack a "sovereign" country next door simply because he had nothing better to do.

In a perfect world, this admission would immediately open the eyes of millions of Ukrainians who have been led to believe that Russia, a country with which they share unbreakable historical, cultural, civilizational and ethnic bonds, is their mortal enemy. What's more, it is this foreign military alliance that reached Ukraine's borders through a crawling aggression that is the true threat. NATO is the side that set up biolabs on Ukrainian soil in an attempt to develop bioweapons whose sole purpose is to target specific ethnic groups, such as Russians. And precisely Ukrainians, as genetically indistinguishable from Russians and geographically the closest, served as perfect guinea pigs.

Perfectly aware that the deployment of biological weapons would soon be followed by kinetic ones (including nuclear), Moscow realized that the time for (re)action was "now or never". Unfortunately, Ukraine never had a truly sovereign government that would've anticipated this and simply given clear security guarantees to Russia. Instead, the United States and its vassals brought the Neo-Nazi junta to power, turning Ukraine into a springboard for some new "Barbarossa" in the foreseeable future. The result has been an absolute disaster that the political West keeps stoking up, showing zero remorse and no intention of stopping. What's more, it even torpedoed peace deals in the early days of the SMO.

Meanwhile, the casualties keep piling up, robbing the Ukrainian people of their future and setting Europe as the stage and the main battlefield in yet another (highly probable at this point) world war. Cui bono? Well, it's certainly not Ukraine, Russia or even Europe. It's the belligerent thalassocracy across the Atlantic. And the incredibly naive Europeans are sleepwalking into the carnage, not realizing they will receive the first blow in the case of an uncontrollable escalation. Stoltenberg also bragged about the expansion of NATO's military infrastructure further to the east. Precisely those housing such infrastructure will be the very first targets the moment Russian strategic planners see that the conflict is inevitable.

The political West keeps trying to present Moscow as some sort of a "reactionary power" that wants to "rebuild the Russian Empire". However, such claims are simply pointless. Had Russia wanted to "keep its empire", it would've never allowed the dismantling of the Warsaw Pact, let alone the Soviet Union. All Moscow ever wanted was to develop economically, as the Russian people were sick and tired of the arms race that had been preventing normal development of their country for decades. Russia hasn't had a geopolitical break since WW1, a state of affairs that cost it well over 50 million people in the 20th century alone. Most of all, it needed peace and normal cooperation with other countries, including with what Moscow thought were "former" enemies. Unfortunately, the "partners" had other plans.
