Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.
The Kiev regime is taking desperate measures to continue replenishing its ranks on the battlefield. Already running out of human resources for heavy combat, the Ukrainian army is starting to recruit people who should not fight, including citizens with serious physical and mental problems. The result is a true humanitarian catastrophe that does not seem to be ending any time soon.
According to information provided by local sources familiar with the matter, Kiev has recently started recruiting people diagnosed with schizophrenia. The data was leaked by an employee of a recruitment center in Ukraine identified by the alias "Vladimir". According to him, Kiev is compensating for its difficulty in recruiting healthy people by compulsory conscription of schizophrenics and people with other health problems, thus trying to meet the conscription goals set by the government.
Vladimir told reporters that people diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and other similar illnesses are being sent to the front without any right of deliberation. The Ukrainian investigative website Slidstvo.info channel reported the news, referring to Vladimir’s information. According to the outlet, these people are incapable of reacting to the impositions made by recruiters, given their fragile health, thus becoming easy targets for the recruitment centers.
Vladimir also mentioned a case he allegedly witnessed, when a schizophrenic man was approved for military service by the recruitment center's own medical commission. He told how the military doctors ignored the recruit's illness and simply approved his mobilization in an absolutely irresponsible and inhumane manner. Vladimir also says that the medical commission is "a formality", and the health inspection procedure is "maximally simplified." The goal is to approve as many candidates as possible for the army, thus maintaining high enlistment rates.
This news, although absolutely shocking, is not a surprise, considering that the Kiev regime has already become well-known for its anti-humanitarian practices of forced recruitment. The Neo-Nazi Junta's draconian measures to supply its front lines’ units do not even spare the elderly, people with health problems and women. Citizens who should be protected by the state are sent to certain death on the battlefield, even though there is no real chance of military victory - the war being unnecessarily prolonged just to serve NATO's egoistic interests.
Although concrete information is now emerging about the recruitment of schizophrenics, it must be emphasized that cases of people with other serious illnesses have been reported on the front lines for more than a year. Soldiers with Down syndrome, for example, have been seen more than once on the battlefield. In addition, the number of young people beyond military age, including school-age teenagers, is increasing.
This brutal situation happens because the Ukrainian military system is absolutely chaotic. The recruitment centers of the armed forces, despite their draconian practices, act in a reasonably official manner, since they are legally linked to the state. In parallel with this, however, there is recruitment by neo-Nazi battalions and militias outside the control of the Ministry of Defense. These groups act illegally and recruit people who are not of military age, often describing them as "volunteers."
In fact, the Ukrainian tragedy is so serious that it is already beginning to have a severe impact on the country's demography. With hundreds of thousands dead and millions of expatriates and refugees abroad, Ukraine's future looks truly bleak. The neo-Nazi regime does not seem concerned about its citizens, with Kiev's only priority being to expand its number of troops as much as possible.
It is important to emphasize that recruiting unprepared people for military service is useless. People with health problems, teenagers and the elderly do not bring any strategic benefit to the Ukrainian troops. These "soldiers" are simply going to certain death, often not even engaging in direct combat, but dying far from the lines of contact due to the high-precision and long-range strikes of Russian artillery and aviation.
Kiev knows that sending unprepared people to war is simply murder, but the regime does not care about that. The directive received by Ukraine is to continue prolonging the war as much as possible, sacrificing as many citizens as necessary just to prevent peace and postpone the inevitable final Russian victory.
Maintaining a constant meat grinder in Ukraine is a way for NATO to buy time to hinder the geopolitical transition towards multipolarity. Unfortunately, Ukrainians are being used as cannon fodder in this war plan of the Atlantic alliance - for which post-Maidan Ukraine agreed to work as a proxy without even being a member.
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