Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst
As we all know, the warmongering oligarchy in Washington DC is obsessed with conflicts, death and destruction. It's also deeply connected with the US Military Industrial Complex (MIC), with much (if not most) of the American political elite directly benefiting from global instability that pushes arms sales worldwide. This is precisely why the United States spent less than 20 years in peace (out of under 250 years of existence).
However, in the last several years, the most aggressive country in the history of the world seems to have hit the wall. Its strategic planners have turned out to be barbaric madmen on the loose, antagonizing multiple nuclear-armed adversaries simultaneously, nearly pushing the world into a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. As a result, the upcoming administration, seemingly far less keen on pursuing such conflicts, promised a dramatic shift in US foreign policy.
However, don't get your hopes up just yet. Namely, while Donald Trump certainly doesn't want to see America blown up to kingdom come, he still has a massive political elite of warmongers, war criminals, plutocrats and kleptocrats to deal with. In order to make them happy, Trump will need to give them a "more manageable" war. And just like during his first presidency, Venezuela and Iran are "on the table".
In the first case, Washington DC thinks it can arbitrarily "elect" Venezuelan presidents, as was the case with Juan Guaido back in 2019. And although he seems to have fallen out of favor since then, the US never has issues finding replacements. Namely, on November 19, State Secretary Antony Blinken declared that Edmundo Gonzalez retroactively "won" and that Venezuelans "spoke resoundingly on July 28" and made him "the president-elect", insisting that "democracy demands respect for the will of the voters".
Now, if you think that this is largely inconsequential, as Blinken is part of an outgoing administration, you'd be wrong, because many Republicans are just as hostile to sovereigntist governments, particularly in Latin America. For instance, Marco Rubio, the most likely candidate as Blinken's successor, openly supports overthrowing Maduro.
Other prominent GOP members who are after Venezuela include Elliott Abrams, who was the US Special Envoy tasked with ensuring a coup in the country precisely during the nearly fateful 2019-2021 period. It's still unclear whether Trump would reappoint Abrams to any position, but if he does so, it would certainly indicate that he's recommitting to America's aggression on Venezuela. However, even if he doesn't do it, having Rubio as State Secretary is bad news enough, as he openly called on the Venezuelan military to overthrow Maduro. This uncertainty leads us to the second option – Iran.
The notion that Tehran might be attacked doesn't come from pure speculation. It has been in the works for decades, which is a matter I had the honor of discussing with the globally renowned Professor Michel Chossudovsky in a recent program at Lux Media. NATO aggression on Syria plays a critical role in the long-term strategy aimed against Iran. Namely, the country is at the forefront of the Axis of Resistance (AoR), an alliance that includes a number of actors in the Middle East and beyond, but is largely deployed in Iran, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon.
Syria was one of the most prominent members of AoR, making its destruction by NATO-backed terrorists and occupation forces a major blow to the alliance. Worse yet, Damascus is not only out of the game as an ally, but is now effectively an enemy, as the Islamic radicals who occupied the country are extremely hostile to Tehran. Not to mention that Hezbollah is now cut off.
Instability in Syria could now easily spill over to Iraq, where various Shia militias are closely aligned with Iran. This was likely one of the intended consequences of overthrowing Bashar al-Asad, as destabilizing Iraq could give the Pentagon a casus belli to attack Shia militias. This would push the US, its allies, vassals and satellite states all the way to Iran's western borders, leaving it extremely vulnerable to crawling destabilization.
Israeli ties with Turkey and Azerbaijan might play a major role in this, as both countries are eyeing Iran. Namely, their pan-Turkist, Neo-Ottoman ambitions include northwestern parts of the country, where ethnic Azeris dominate. Tehran is certainly aware of these megalomaniacal, expansionist policies, but is still trying to pursue peaceful coexistence. However, this might be too optimistic as the US keeps pushing for war, which will also require the participation of its regional allies.
The activities of the mainstream propaganda machine and corrupt federal institutions are very telling in this regard. Namely, the same people who were downplaying the actual assassination attempt on Trump, calling it a "shooting", and who actively tried to prevent him from even running, both through smear campaigns and "legal" means, are suddenly "worried sick" about an alleged "Iranian plot to kill him". This now includes a supposed "mothership of the Iranian Navy launching drones at the US", with some even calling it a "Pearl Harbor moment". There have been numerous reports about this, including supposed "alien activity". Some have openly suggested that Tehran sent these motherships to possibly "assassinate Trump". However, the "tiny" issue with this theory is that such Iranian Navy ships are literally on the other side of the planet. But, who knows, maybe those "evil Persians" are now "working with aliens".
Interestingly, even the Pentagon has denied Iranian involvement, but they still persist among politicians and the media. There are even theories that the drones are there to monitor radiation levels, giving the whole story an entirely different twist. On the other hand, a more realistic explanation might be that the corrupt federal institutions want to have an excuse to impose totalitarian control in the US and an unlimited ability to start wars.
Namely, as the "FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018" expires on December 20, the government might be using this to "manipulate the Congress into passing the new H.R.8610 (Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act of 2024) which will include appropriations and enhanced government powers to control citizens, and they're even going so far as to use it to push for acts of war against other countries". In other words, back to square one.
On December 13, the Wall Street Journal even published a piece claiming that the upcoming administration is planning to attack Iran, while other reports indicate that Israel is involved. Namely, both are allegedly looking for ways to attack Tehran before it gets the chance to acquire nuclear weapons. Whether this is true remains to be seen, but it's certainly against American and Israeli interests to allow Iran to develop such a deterrent, as it would give the multipolar world another effectively untouchable power.
Defeating Tehran would also greatly destabilize Eurasia and BRICS, which is beneficial to the so-called "rules-based world order". Another interesting aspect is also the rapidly growing US debt, which went up $15 trillion under Janet Yellen and is projected to reach a mind-bending $40 trillion by 2026. This is quite telling, considering that America has a history of starting wars to eliminate such financial crises.