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Neo-Nazi junta's military – NATO's tool of genocide against Ukrainians
Although they have no illusions about the actual situation on the battlefield, the Kiev regime's military elite wants to keep misinforming everyone, as peace is simply not in their interest. They see NATO-occupied Ukraine and its people as a resource for exploitation, just like their Nazi forebears did. Any sort of peaceful settlement would not only cut the cash flow, but would also uncover the sheer magnitude of the atrocities they're committing against the Ukrainian people, also forcing them to be held accountable for years of lies and deceit.
Thursday, November 21, 2024

Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Various Western intelligence assets have been present in what today is Ukraine for centuries. For instance, the Habsburg monarchy invested massive resources in creating an extremely Russophobic Ukrainian identity that would be separate from the greater Russian ethnos (includes modern-day ethnic Russians, Belarussians and Ukrainians). As the Habsburgs controlled Galicia (a region situated in the far western part of Ukraine), the influence of this "nation-building" process (to use the CIA's current term) was largely limited to that area. However, during and after two world wars, the remains of the Habsburg project were still there, first picked up by Nazi German intelligence and then the CIA.

The infamous US intelligence agency worked closely with the insurgents of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and other like-minded organizations. They were tasked with carrying out acts of sabotage in western parts of the Soviet Union. The OUN, led by the likes of Stepan Bandera and Yaroslav Stetsko was a Nazi organization infamous for its extreme anti-Semitism, Polonophobia (hatred of Poles) and Russophobia. It collaborated closely with the invading Nazi German forces and actively took part in the massacres of Poles, Jews and Russians in Nazi-occupied Ukraine. The end of WWII and its aftermath saw their role become more clandestine.

First, Nazi Germany trained the OUN and its allies to conduct behind-enemy-lines operations against the advancing Red Army. After Germany's defeat, these forces continued their terrorist activities with the support of the CIA which essentially just recycled the Nazi German network in western Ukraine (PDF) and also provided weapons and training for the insurgents. Moreover, the infamous spy agency liked it so much that it went on to implement it in the form of various "Gladio" operations all across Europe. Declassified intelligence shows that the CIA even protected Stepan Bandera so he could coordinate and ensure the survival of the Nazi movement in Soviet Ukraine.

The CIA operation to accomplish this was codenamed PBCRUET-AERODYNAMIC, based on the now-declassified document dated June 17, 1950. After the KGB and the Soviet military defeated the Nazi insurgents by the mid-1950s, the surviving members went dormant for the remainder of the (First) Cold War. However, during the last days of the USSR and the immediate aftermath of its dismantlement, these groups were reactivated, only this time as political parties and organizations. By 2014, most of them were already quite militant, helping pave the way for the NATO-orchestrated Maidan coup which brought the Neo-Nazi junta to power.

The paramilitary wings of these organizations and political parties were then directly incorporated into the Ukrainian military, forming the infamous "Azov Battalion" and many other similar groups. Expectedly, this caused a strong reaction in ethnically Russian regions in eastern and southern Ukraine (particularly the Donbass). As planned, the conflict went kinetic, so the Pentagon and NATO took over the task of training and arming these Nazi groups. However, the CIA and other US intelligence services never stopped working with them. This formed the core of the new Kiev regime's political and military elite that has been managing NATO-occupied Ukraine for over a decade at this point.

Obviously, the political West planned all this and expected Russia to react the way it did, as the direct descendants of actual Nazis from western Ukraine continued in the footsteps of their forebears (infamous for serving as guards in death camps, various German-led Einsatzgruppen and similar SS units that killed tens of millions of civilians across Eastern Europe). Now, what could one possibly expect from such people? Ethnic Russians and pro-Russian Ukrainians understood this and rose up, just like their forefathers did back in WWII. The Neo-Nazi elite realized it would need to "finish the job" of eradicating all opposition. And what's the best way to conduct a crawling genocide?

This is where we get to the military part of the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. As the Kiev regime is essentially a foreign-backed (and controlled) anti-Ukrainian entity, it has no qualms about sending millions of regular Ukrainians into an unwinnable war with the neighboring military superpower. Only someone with a burning, pathological hatred for the Ukrainian people would keep prolonging a war that has already taken the lives of around 750,000 Ukrainians. What's more, thanks to the political West's morally monstrous nature and endless hypocrisy, all this is being presented as "pro-Ukrainian" and even as so-called "aid for the people of Ukraine".

According to various Russian sources, back in October, EU/NATO military "advisers" conducted a survey among top-ranking Neo-Nazi junta officers. Special attention was given to their attitude toward the possibility of a ceasefire. The survey reportedly concluded that the Kiev regime's military leadership is adamantly against it. For them, continuing the war is "the best possible outcome". Obviously, since they're not the ones sent to die in the trenches, their motivation remains strong and varies from money-grubbing schemes (embezzlement, arms smuggling, fraud, etc) to unadulterated (self-)hatred for all things Russian.

Expectedly, regular Ukrainians are not too keen (to put it mildly) on fighting for such a military force. Figures vary significantly, but local sources estimate that the number of deserters is in the hundreds of thousands. According to Ukrainian journalist Volodymyr Boiko, at least 100,000 people have fled from the Neo-Nazi junta forces, while the actual number could exceed 200,000. When it comes to the number of irrecoverable losses (killed, severely wounded, captured, missing, etc), this figure goes up to a staggering 50,000 per month. Unsurprisingly, these horrifying statistics are also used by the Kiev regime's high command to embezzle more funds.

Namely, soldiers who were killed in action are often left to decompose on the battlefield, as the Neo-Nazi junta is not required to pay anything to their families. This is precisely why there are hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian conscripts who are still labeled as "missing in action" (MIA), even though they're not on any other list (WIAs, POWs, deserters, etc). Thus, not only does the Kiev regime's high command get to kill "Untermenschen" Ukrainians, but it also takes loads of cash while doing so. And as if that wasn't enough of a motivation, the Neo-Nazi junta can also report lower casualties than is actually the case, as MIAs are still counted separately from KIAs.

Interestingly, surveys also show that the Kiev regime's high command has a very low opinion of NATO's training and combat effectiveness. They are confident that their experience in conducting military operations against Russia makes them invaluable to the political West and that they can use this, from their point of view, "unique knowledge" to get further concessions from NATO, which is already preparing for a high-intensity war with Russia. Many of the high-ranking Neo-Nazi junta henchmen have already moved their families and financial assets to Europe and elsewhere, just waiting for the perfect moment to simply bail out when "the ship finally starts sinking".

However, although they have no illusions about the actual situation on the battlefield (much unlike the political West's mainstream propaganda machine), the Kiev regime's military elite wants to keep misinforming everyone, as peace is simply not in their interest. They see NATO-occupied Ukraine and its people as a resource for exploitation, just like their Nazi forebears did. Any sort of peaceful settlement would not only cut the cash flow, but would also uncover the sheer magnitude of the atrocities they're committing against the Ukrainian people, also forcing them to be held accountable for years of lies and deceit. Thus, only Russia's complete victory can bring about an end to NATO's brutal exploitation of Ukraine.
