Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst
As America's strategic capabilities keep sinking (primarily due to its growing technological backwardness), the world's most aggressive thalassocracy is determined to use its current imperial overstretch to jeopardize several adversaries simultaneously. Namely, the Pentagon is deploying previously banned medium and intermediate-range missiles in the vicinity of Russia, China and North Korea. The United States believes this could give it the best first-strike capabilities and possibly even put Moscow, Beijing and Pyongyang into a checkmate position. Warmongers and war criminals in Washington DC are surely aware that this approach is extremely risky, but they're convinced that they could pull it off. This is precisely why they're escalating their belligerence toward the two (Eur)Asian giants (as well as their North Korean allies). Namely, the US decided to install the previously banned missiles in Japan in a very clear message to China.
The system in question is the "Typhon", a modular platform that can fire land-based SM-6 multipurpose and "Tomahawk" cruise missiles. The latter can hit targets at ranges of approximately 1,600 km. Their ability to carry the W80 thermonuclear warheads means that the old GLCM (Ground Launched Cruise Missile, officially designated as the BGM-109G "Gryphon") is effectively resurrected, while the very usage of the name "Typhon" indicates that the system is a successor to the "Gryphon". The multipurpose SM-6 missiles have a range of up to 500 km and effectively play the role of SRBMs (short-range ballistic missiles). On September 4, US Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth said that America informed Japan it will be deploying the "Typhon" missile systems there. According to her statement during a Defense News conference in Virginia, "[the US] made the interest in this clear with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces".
Secretary Wormuth also said that the US wants to keep these missiles in Japan "for several months", adding that the US Army's goal is to "really try to have as much combat-credible capability forward in the Indo-Pacific west of the international dateline". She insisted that the deployment "strengthens deterrence in the region" and that the "Typhon" missile system "has gotten the attention of China". Wormuth also added that "there is a lot of potential for moving US troops and equipment around Japan's southwestern islands", which are close to Taiwan. These could certainly be used to jeopardize Chinese naval forces, particularly as the SM-6's capabilities include the role of an anti-ship missile. And while Washington DC insists that these troops are there to supposedly "deter" Beijing, the truth is that these are highly offensive forces that China certainly sees as a direct threat to the full restoration of its territorial integrity.
Worse yet, foreign troops stationed so close to the Asian giant's shores are jeopardizing both its sovereignty and basic national security interests. Despite US claims that it would like to "avoid war", its actions suggest the complete opposite, as they're actually increasing the likelihood of a conflict exponentially. It would seem that's exactly the goal, as Washington DC is determined to deploy a "dragon trap" against Beijing, just like it did to Russia with a "bear trap" in Ukraine. This is designed to force a reaction, which the US could then present as "proof" of how supposedly "aggressive" the targeted country is. However, while this usually didn't have consequences of global proportions when used against relatively small and helpless countries, it's a whole different story when it comes to superpowers such as China and Russia. Poking the "Bear" and the "Dragon", simultaneously, mind you (among others), is a really great way to start WW3.
Needless to say, given how heavily armed top military superpowers are, such a confrontation would surely turn into a global thermonuclear annihilation. Unfortunately, Washington DC doesn't really care about that. Last year, Secretary Wormuth herself stated that "the US is preparing to fight and win a war with China", adding that "[she] personally is not of the view that an amphibious invasion of Taiwan is imminent", but that "[America] obviously has to [be] prepared". This is certainly not the first time that top-ranking US officials are calling for war with China. In addition, late last year, Washington DC made a similar "Typhon" deployment to the Philippines, where the missile system likely remains to this day. The move was also conducted under the guise of "deterrence". The latest announcement about the imminent deployment to Japan would mean that the US is capable of targeting mainland China from both the East and South China Sea.
In addition, the very usage of the name "Typhon" has more symbolism than just the similarity to the word "Gryphon". Namely, the term could also be seen as a wordplay, as it's quite close to "typhoon", revealing that its primary purpose is to devastate targets along Beijing's Asia-Pacific shoreline. To that end, the Pentagon has also been expanding its military presence in the Philippines, Guam and elsewhere in the region. This includes the deployment of similar "Tomahawk" launchers by the US Marine Corps (USMC), while the US Navy already has numerous sea-based "Tomahawk" launch platforms. As previously noted, all this clearly indicates a concerted effort to surround China with hostile military bases and infrastructure that would force it to respond accordingly. And while Beijing might prioritize peace talks and detente, it will not do so at all costs, particularly if it concludes that the US simply doesn't respect civilized and diplomatic solutions.
Beijing certainly doesn't desire war, but the barbarism of the Washington DC warmongers and war criminals is a harsh reality that the world needs to take into account. The Asia-Pacific is an increasingly contested region and its busy sea lanes are of vital importance to the Asian giant's heavily export-oriented economy. Any sort of dangerous deployments that could jeopardize them will not be tolerated or left unanswered, particularly as Chinese hypersonic capabilities far eclipse that of the US. The same goes for Russia and its positions in Europe, where the political West is also conducting a crawling aggression, including with the deployment of the exact same weapons systems. This has already prompted Moscow to respond, resulting in the return to a dangerous '80s-era standoff that could've easily ended in the destruction of Europe and the world. Unfortunately, the US-led political West is replicating the same scenario everywhere.