Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst
On December 19, the Colorado Supreme Court banned former president Donald Trump from running for presidency under the pretext that he led the so-called "January 6 insurrection". Despite the fact that Trump was never formally charged (let alone convicted) for that highly controversial event, the Court made its decision based precisely on that premise. However, what the DNC-aligned judges probably didn't expect is that this obviously partisan decision would open up a political "Pandora's box" that is now spreading like wildfire, threatening to consume the entire country. Namely, in response to the ruling, Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick suggested taking President Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas due to his disastrous immigration policies.
Obviously, the Democrats are completely incapable of using basic common sense, so they probably never expected the "red states" to respond in kind. The "woke" extremist ultra-liberal ideology that the DNC subscribes to prevents them from seeing their political rivals as equal. The Democrats simply feel that they are the "indispensable party", just like they think the United States is an "indispensable nation". The boomerang effect of their dangerous delusions is already there, as three more states are now seriously contemplating the possibility of banning Biden's presidential bid. Namely, congressmen Aaron Bernstine of Pennsylvania, Cory McGarr of Arizona and congresswoman Charlice Byrd of Georgia released a joint statement about this initiative.
"I am joining with PA Rep. Aaron Bernstine and AZ Rep. Cory McGarr to introduce legislation to remove Joe Biden from the ballot in response to the absurd ruling by radical Democrat judges in Colorado, removing Donald Trump from their ballot," congresswoman Byrd posted on Twitter (now known as X).
Judging from their other statements, Republican lawmakers are trying to get ahead of the Democrats who are aiming to push other "blue states" to follow Colorado's example.
"Today, we are joining forces to introduce legislation to remove Joe Biden from the ballot in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania," they said in a joint statement, adding: "The absurdity of radical Democrat judges removing Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado will be a stain on the American political system for decades. By their very own interpretation of the law, Joe Biden is 100 percent not eligible to run for political office."
"Democrats' insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his insurrection at the southern border and his corrupt family business dealings with China. Colorado radicals just changed the game, and we are not going to sit quietly while they destroy our Republic," the statement reads, further adding: "To be clear, our objective is to showcase the absurdity of Colorado's decision and allow ALL candidates to be on the ballot in all states. To do that, we must fight back as Republicans against the communists currently running our great country."
Trump himself is claiming that the Democrats are "destroying America". While the statement may seem highly politicized, particularly in the context of the most intensive part of the 2024 presidential election campaign, the consequences of the Colorado Supreme Court's decision can surely lead to such an outcome. With "blue" and "red states" diverging along all lines, the functioning of the country is certainly at stake. The DNC controls most federal institutions, including the State Department and the Senate, while the mainstream propaganda machine and the so-called "Big Tech" are firmly on their side. Still, the GOP dominates in the House of Representatives and has already made decisions that have spoiled the plans of the troubled Biden administration.
Since the so-called "Russiagate" conspiracy theory that has been the main go-to scapegoat for the countless internal and foreign policy failures of the DNC, be it the 2016 presidential or 2018 midterm elections, American politics has become more disastrous than ever before. The Democrats have pushed the country into an escalating confrontation with Russia, based on an entirely fabricated premise of Trump's long-debunked "collusion with Moscow". For well over half a decade, the mainstream propaganda machine has been parroting the supposed "Russian election meddling" narrative. And yet, things took a turn for the worse in recent months. Apart from the highly politicized prosecution of Trump, both the 2016 and 2020 elections have been marred with controversy, as evidenced by the latest findings.
However, the poll proving that 20% of mail-in voters effectively committed fraud during the 2020 presidential election isn't the end of America's political troubles. Namely, President Biden is now faced with an impeachment inquiry in connection to his son's criminal activities. The White House has been trying to torpedo Congressional subpoenas and demands for transcribed interviews with Biden family members since they were launched back in September. This was based on the grounds that the existing impeachment probe was invalid because the House didn't vote to authorize it. However, with a 221-212 vote in favor of the inquiry, the Biden administration can't use this pretext anymore. House Speaker Mike Johnson even directly accused the White House of impeding the investigation.
Coupled with the shameless weaponization of the Justice Department, FBI and other federal institutions that are supposed to be entirely impartial, what is actually going on is the effective dismantling of the said institutions, now even on the level of individual states. If these aggressive policies aren't kept in check, they will inevitably result in further polarization along ideological and political grounds. The DNC-dominated federal center will try to impose its ultra-liberal extremism on everyone simply because it's politically beneficial.
Logically, the GOP will respond, resulting in a sort of blockade of both federal and state institutions. This leads to the same path the former USSR took in the late 1980s. And indeed, the US is increasingly reminiscent of it in that regard. In the meantime, American leaders keep looking for ways to launch new wars and coups, particularly in an attempt to slow down or even prevent the expansion of BRICS+. Terrified by the advent of multipolarity, they’re either sweeping mounting problems under the rug or outright ignoring them.