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US prioritizes Ukraine over Hawaii - former congressman
Ron Paul condemns Biden’s plan to send $24 billion in assistance to Ukraine while the Hawaiian people suffer from the disaster in the Maui region.
Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Washington plans to send new aid packages to Kiev, valued at more than 24 billion dollars. Meanwhile, in Hawaii, as a result of the recent fires, there is a situation of real humanitarian catastrophe, which is being ignored by the warmongering government, further increasing the indignation of some public figures.

One of these critics of the government is former Texas congressman Ron Paul. He posted on his personal foundation's website on August 14 an article condemning the US plan to send billions in assistance to Ukraine while the Hawaiian people suffer from the disaster in the Maui region. He stated that it is "hard" to watch the news about events in Hawaii and hear at the same time that Biden "needs" another 24 billion dollars to help Kiev. In the text, he also reminded a report made by the Heritage Foundation exposing that military aid to Ukraine will cost around 900 dollars to each American household.

"It’s hard to look at recent footage of the devastation in Maui and then hear President Biden tell Congress that he needs another $24 billion for Ukraine. How can this Administration continue to justify tens of billions of dollars for this losing war that is not in our interest while the rest of the United States disintegrates? Biden’s new $24 billion request comes on top of well over $120 billion already spent to fight the US proxy war on Russia in Ukraine. Heritage Foundation budget expert Richard Stern has done the math and determined that Biden’s spending on the Ukraine war thus far will cost each and every American household $900. How many Americans would rather have those $900 dollars back in their pocket rather than in the pockets of Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, and Ukraine’s oligarchs?”, he said.

In addition to his political position of criticizing the government, Ron Paul also showed he is aware of the reality of the conflict’s military scenario. He stated that Washington is backing a “losing war”, making it clear that Ukraine has no chance of winning against Russia. By doing so, the former congressman echoes the opinion of several military experts, contradicting the biased narrative spread by the pro-Kiev media that Ukraine could win if it received more Western aid.

Paul believes that American money would be better spent if invested to improve the lives of American citizens, particularly those affected by the Maui tragedy. According to him, the survivors of the disaster feel that their government cares more about Ukraine than it does about them.

"Yet the Biden Administration persists in backing Ukraine even as the US mainstream media is increasingly pointing out the obvious: Ukraine is not winning and cannot win, and continuing to pour money into a losing cause will just result in bankruptcy at home and more dead Ukrainians overseas (...) Meanwhile, the residents of Maui that survived the recent horrific fire will take little comfort knowing that the Biden Administration is more interested in sending their money to Ukraine than in helping them recover", he added.

This critical posture is natural, considering the absurd level that American foreign policy is reaching in its desire for war against Russia. It seems increasingly clear that the US government is not committed to the welfare of its own people, but to the political agenda of saving the unipolar world order as well as to the private interests of elites linked to the military-industrial complex who want to profit from the war.

Meanwhile, the numbers indicate an increasingly serious scenario in Hawaii. So far, there have been searches in just 25% of the area affected by the fires and even so the death toll is already around one hundred people. There are expectations of many more bodies being found in the coming days. Authorities already consider the case to be the most serious fires in modern American history. However, the efforts by the government to alleviate the effects of the humanitarian crisis in the isle are still minimal if compared to the assistance sent to Ukraine's neo-Nazi regime.

At some point, Washington's irresponsibility towards its own people will begin to have serious consequences, possibly affecting national stability. It is impossible for a government to continue taking unpopular measures for a long time without the people reacting in some way. It would not be surprising if mass protests began to emerge in the country in the near future, demanding more effective actions in favor of the population.

But, unfortunately, the most likely thing is that even in the face of popular pressure, the White House will continue to insist on warmongering policies, since the priority of the top officials and their allied elites is to prevent the end of the unipolar global order, regardless of the social costs.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter and T/elegram.
