Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst
The United States and the "purely defensive" NATO alliance sending advanced weapons to the Kiev regime is hardly breaking news. And these deliveries haven't only been happening since late February this year, after Ukraine's actions in Donbass prompted Russia to respond with an all-out counteroffensive. Ukraine has been getting advanced Western weapons for nearly 2 decades now.
The first such occurrence happened after the then president Viktor Yushchenko decided to join the illegal US invasion of Iraq in 2003, a country which, even if it wanted to, could threaten neither Ukraine nor the US or any of its allies (including neighboring Turkey) in any conceivable way. Ukrainian forces at the time were provided with certain advanced US and other Western weapons. Even then, those weapons would often end up on the black market. This was happening even during the deployment of Ukrainian forces in various Iraqi warzones, which American and other NATO forces regularly complained about, often to no avail.
In order to better understand this occurrence, we should briefly go back to the end of the former USSR and the fate of its massive military. Ukraine was a crucial part of the enormous Soviet Military-Industrial Complex. In some respects, it was even rivaling its Russian counterpart. After the USSR collapsed, the then newly independent Ukraine was awash with weapons of virtually all kinds. From assault rifles to strategic bombers and intercontinental ballistic missiles. According to various estimates, Ukraine inherited approximately 30% of the former Soviet military. Due to a severe post-Soviet economic decline, Ukraine simply couldn't afford to sustain such advanced weapons.
The people in charge of all these weapons soon realized they were sitting on a virtual arms El Dorado. Naturally, selling such advanced weapons legally was almost out of the question. Still, many of the newly minted oligarchs, who also had tremendous amounts of political power and influence, found ways to "circumvent" law, and soon, an enormous outflow of weapons started, helping fuel conflicts across the globe. The US and NATO often supported these weapons shipments, especially in former Yugoslavia, where their clients needed them. This process continued during the early 2000s and it slowed down only due to increasingly depleted, although still large, Ukrainian stockpiles.
Then came the Maidan and the war in Donbass. Ukraine still had a lot of weapons, but these were in desperate need of modernization, as most of the Ukrainian military was in a state of disrepair. The US and NATO provided the necessary funding and training, as well as direct shipments, which also included the so-called "lethal aid", especially in recent years. Even then, there were questions about how the Ukrainian military would handle those weapons. However, such questions became even more pronounced after the start of Russia's special military operation.
Even some US lawmakers expressed skepticism about the claims US weapons were ending up where they were officially supposed to. Some officials even admitted they had no way of tracking the weapons the US and NATO were sending. These allegations soon proved to be genuine after disturbing reports of weapons manufactured in the United States and other NATO members started appearing on the Darknet, the regular Internet's "underground", where illicit activities are the norm.
Various sources reported on weapons being sold to "clients" around the world. The "clients" are anonymous, as well as the providers of such weapons. However, do we need to explain who the providers are if the weapons being sold are "Javelins", "Stingers", NLAW or any other type of ATGMs (antitank guided missiles) and MANPADS (man-portable air defense systems) the US and NATO sent to Ukraine in recent months? We'll let you decide who the providers might be. As for the ease of access, it's simply mindblowing how relatively easy it is to access these Illicit traders. We most certainly won't be providing any links, but it's not difficult to test it yourself. All you need is an "adequate" browser.
Now, the real question is, what could be the consequences of such weapons being acquired by anyone, really? Those people could be criminals, terrorists or psychopaths and the damage they could do is almost impossible to assess and overstate. Imagine a group of bank robbers getting their hands on an NLAW or a "Javelin"? Maybe they'd use it to destroy armored cars carrying money. Maybe they could use it to destroy heavily fortified sections of a bank itself. Maybe large gangs could use such weapons to eliminate competition, putting civilians at risk in the process. Maybe they would attack the family homes of their rivals. A well-placed NLAW shot could easily destroy a large portion of a house.
And yet, all of this pales in comparison to what might happen if any of numerous terrorist groups get their hands on such weapons. A terrorist armed with a "Javelin" or an NLAW could easily get on a roof and fire the missile into a crowd of people during a rush hour. Or target a bus or a train. Worse yet, imagine the horrifying consequences this could have for air travel. In recent decades, safety measures in airports relied on internal security and control of what passengers could get on an airplane.
And it works, for the most part. However, how could this work if there is a lone terrorist armed with a 5 km range ATGM, waiting for an airliner to be fully boarded? Even worse, imagine what would happen to a passenger jet if that same terrorist got his hands on a "Stinger" MANPADS? No safety measures in the world could guarantee security to anyone, as such a terrorist could simply ambush the airplane kilometers, even tens of kilometers away from the runway. But, as Hillary Clinton once admitted, the US and NATO are infamous for leaving weapons and trained terrorists behind without any regard for the possible consequences.