In 2015 the BRICS STI Framework Programme (BRICS STI FP) has been endorsed aiming to support excellent research on priority areas which can best be addressed by a multinational approach. Since 2016 three coordinated calls for multilateral research projects have been successfully implemented under BRICS STI FP. A total of 93 projects have been supported as an outcome of three BRICS STI FP calls.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 is one of the greatest global challenges and as such, warrants a global response. BRICS countries account for more than 25% of the world territory, more than 40% of the world population and play a vital role in the world economy. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the BRICS STI Framework Programme is planning to launch a call for multilateral basic, applied and innovation research projects facilitating cooperation among the researchers and institutions in the consortia which consist of partners from at least three BRICS countries.
The following thematic areas are currently planned for the BRICS STI FP call as response to COVID-19 pandemic:
1. Research and development of new technologies/tools for diagnosing COVID-19.
2. Research and development of COVID-19 vaccines and drugs, including repurposing of available drugs.
3. Genomic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 and studies on the epidemiology and mathematical modeling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
4. AI, ICT and HPC* oriented research for COVID-19 drugs design, vaccine development, treatment, clinical trials and public health infrastructures and systems.
5. Epidemiological studies and clinical trials to evaluate the overlap of SARS-CoV-2 and comorbidities, especially tuberculosis.
(* - Artificial intelligence, Information and communications technology and High-performance computing)
The call details are expected to be published on website on 1 July 2020 with deadline for proposals submission via BRICS Application Management System set on 18 August 2020. The national call publications will be released on the websites of respecting national funding agencies, the dates for submission of national components (applications) may vary but are expected to match the BRICS STI FP response to COVID-19 global pandemic Call application submission period.